2nd bargaining round without offer
In the second bargaining round for the private banking industry there once again unfortunately was no positive surprise! With regard to wages the employers have not made any offer yet.
They are obviously running the clock in order to force months with zero pay rise. Due to the current high inflation rate this would launch a severe blow to us as employees. The minimum amount of 150 Euros as a social component continually remains “incomprehensible” to the employers.
Jan Duscheck, chief negotiator for ver.di, considers the continued obstinate position of the employers a pure provocation of the employees: “Today we have again only experienced how the employers are running the clock. We have been waiting for figures, not further explanations for why this or that doesn’t work!” That once again no offer has been submitted is a blow in the face of the employees – regardless of whether they are paid according to the agreed pay scale or above. According to the employers’ will, all employees are to go away empty-handed.
Having often seen decreasing real wages in recent years the time has finally come for employees in our industry to receive a real pay rise, especially after the extraordinary efforts we have rendered over the recent months! The financial situation of the financial institutes certainly would allow for this.
Claudia Eggert-Lehmann, member of the bargaining commission, Commerzbank AG, Dortmund
Employers say “workload easing not necessary in our industry”
The employers also declined a choice between more money and more leisure time. Although the banks are currently investing in the digitisation of all work processes they do not consider themselves capable of shouldering the personnel management costs that may arise in connection with freedom of choice. Furthermore this option could lead to staffing bottlenecks in particular departments. This is the statement of an employers association whose members are currently seeking to reduce tens of thousands of staff.
Moreover they claim that an easing of the work load isn’t necessary as there purportedly exists no such thing as a
strain on employees in our industry. Employees who feel they are under should feel free to take time in lieu! Our surveys among employees show a distinctly different picture: Overload remains an eminent topic. And we will take care that it is discussed during this bargaining round!
No entitlement to mobile working
Apparently our demand regarding options for mobile working is facing a complete lack of confidence in the loyalty of employees on the side of the employers’ association. Their members are fearing a “loss of control” as well as a deterioration of their right to issue directives. Neither does the employers’ association recognise any necessity for regulation with regard to establishing attractive work conditions for junior staff. At the same time the Association of Public Banks is constructively cooperating with us in this field of activity. This is a further confession of failure by the employers’ association for the private banking industry.
An option to choose whether a pay rise is realised in the form of cash or, alternatively, in the form of leisure time is overdue in our industry. Due to the high pressure on employees this topic is of eminent importance; this became quite clear as a result of our surveys.
Andrea Hartmann, member of the bargaining commission, Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG, Schwäbisch Hall
Let’s prove that we want to form the future!
In this second bargaining round the employers have once again demonstrated that constructive, future-oriented regulations are not in their interest. Once again they have refused to collaborate with us in dealing with the most important topics of the future.
Ahead of the next bargaining round on 24 September 2021 we will summon to action and protest nationwide. Join us! Convince your colleagues to take part. We need to show the employers that we will not accept their lack of creative will!
I am really mad! Once again the employers’ association has made no offer for junior staff today. It is important to include student trainees in our collective agreement and to secure an attractive procedure for further employment after training and graduation. This was a great success in our negotiations with the public banks.
Jessica Aurich, member of the bargaining commission, Commerzbank AG, Berlin
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