Foto: Charles Yunck
Employers’ association “offers” three years of real wage reductions
In the third bargaining round the employers have once again demonstrated their appreciation for us employees: apparently none at all!
This is the “offer” the employers in the private sector are making:
- 9 months without pay rise
- 1.2 per cents from April 2022
- 1.0 per cents from April 2023
- 1.0 per cents from April2024
Covering a term of 36 months this “o er” would amount to a real wage loss of more than 5 per cent points. This means that our income would be depreciating in 2021 and the three following years.
The so-called Future package offered by the employers is more than brazen. Whichever way you look at it, it has
Eva Burs, member of the bargaining commission, Commerzbank AG, Essen
nothing to do with a future-oriented deal, when real wage losses are demanded without even offering proposals for junior staff or mobile working. This runs straight against the interests of the employees.
In view of rising infl ation the “offer” submitted by the employers in fact represents a substantial reduction in terms of real wages.

Obstinacy on the employers’ side
Moreover the employers’ association is insistently refusing to include a social component (we at ver.di are demanding a minimum wage rise of € 150 per month for lower incomes). Also with regard to other issues no movement whatsoever is to be seen on the employers’ side – once again an entitlement to mobile working was rejected, once again no suggestion was made for reducing the work load employees are exposed to.
For junior staff (trainees and working students) absolutely no offer was made for pay rises. Furthermore no sustainable proposition was made for a takeover scheme.
No basis at all for further negotiations
Overall we can safely assert that not a lot has happened on the employers’ side since the last bargaining round. Beside the unacceptable wage offer, their continually obstinate position regarding numerous other issues demonstrate a complete lack of willingness to negotiate.
To put it clearly: Coming from the employers this so-called “offer” can only be considered ignorant! Now there is no
more ground for further negotiations.
“I am thoroughly disappointed: First the employers boastfully announce a comprehensive offer, then it immediately becomes blatantly clear that nothing follows. And that’s in the third round!”
Gabriele Platscher, member of the bargaining commission, Deutsche Bank AG, Brunswick
In the days and weeks to come we will therefore be calling on the employees in the private banking sector to participate in intensified campaigning activities and warning strikes. Join us!
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Flugblatt!
By now it has become completely clear that this bargaining round will not be decided at the table!
Now it is important to demonstrate that many employees support the demands set by the ver.di bargaining commission and are prepared to commit.
Speak to your colleagues about the behaviour of the employers’ association. Join our foto campaign. Upload a picture of yourself together with your statement in order to share your opinion about their ‘offer’ with the employers’ association.
Inform yourself ad talk to your on-site ver.di representatives about where and when industrial action is planned at your institution. Strengthen our position by participating in upcoming campaigns and warning strikes!
Our demands for this bargaining round are to be found here in the Materials area. Support our activities by organising yourself together with thousands of colleagues in your trade union – ver.di.
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